• first 24hrs

    Avoid touching your freshly sugared skin with dirty hands.

    Avoid showers, baths, hot tubs, saunas and swimming pools, all workouts and activities that create sweat for first 24hrs. During this time the pores are open and perspiration can create bacteria. Even though we recommend skipping these fun activities, we know sometimes we all want to have fun, if you do, just remember to use cooler water temperature after your workout and let your skin and breathe.

    Sun tanning for at least 24 hours after treatment as sugared skin is more sensitive to UV rays.

    Do not exfoliate the skin for 24 hours after treatment.

  • Ingrown hairs

    Many people are subject to ingrown hairs due to the hair being out of the follicle for weeks, allowing the dead skin cells the chance to form over the mouth of the follicle thus causing the hair to grow under the skin when it reappears.

    Exfoliate with glove, or product recommended by your practitioner, not a loofah(holds bacteria) every 2-3days. Upward motion in little circles one time on each side and you are done.

    Moisturize with a gentle water-based lotion every time you wash the area.

    Ask your practitioner for products or additional tips if you are following the suggested routine and still experiencing ingrown hairs.